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Aaron Kemp, the founder of Skills for Life Academy a Life and business coaching service based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.
  • Are you constantly feeling stuck or overwhelmed?

  • Is something in your life causing you stress or anxiety?

  • Do you feel as though life is holding you back?

  • Have you been procrastinating or putting off pursuing your dream?

  • Are you negatively talking to yourself or finding yourself in constant negativity?

Then, life coaching is just the right thing for you!

Book in a FREE consultation with Aaron. 

All it is is a chat.

Aaron Kemp, the founder of Skills for Life Academy a Life and business coaching service based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

Learn how to be your best self in 5 easy to follow steps without spending hours of your time searching for self-development programs.

Be Your Best Self is an easy to follow program that will help you to gain self-confidence and boost self-esteem that will allow you to become your true self and remove your mask for good.


  • Discover why you behave the way you do in different situations.

  • Explore your internal reality and how that presents itself in your external world.

  • Understand what triggers you and how to tame them.

  • Learn what the 5 wounds are that may be limiting you in your life

  • Reconnect with your authentic self and throw away the mask you have been wearing for good.

It has become evident to me, after participating in multiple mental health events, that there are limited resources directed towards the health and well-being of our younger adults within Sydney. 

The hard truth is, that there is simply not enough support out their for the younger adults/teenagers within our communities.

As a young adult, you may have set ambitious goals, yet struggle to stay accountable, leading to missed opportunities and stagnant personal growth.


Many young adults experience frustration due to a lack of progress in various life areas, leading to feelings of unfulfillment and self-doubt.


Emotional struggles can go unchecked, leaving young adults feeling overwhelmed and emotionally drained.



Deep down, there's a hunger for more in life, but a lack of clarity regarding their purpose and life pursuits can leave them feeling adrift and unmotivated.

Mountain peaks representing freedom - Skills for Life Academy a Life and business coaching service based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

Catherine Haynes

“As a business owner and mother of 4, I have been working with Aaron for over a year now and incredibly grateful for his guidance through building my business and navigating family trauma, I have developed clarity and direction with the ability to empower others to do the same. Skills for Life Academy has a toolbox of resources to help any individual be the best version of themselves possible.”

Kim Malone

“A Massive Thank you to Aaron for helping me beat my Anxiety fears that had shut my mindset down for many years. With the 10 week plan this has help me be the better person I am today. I still use a lot of the mind set task to help me focus on what I need to do in my day to day life, with my Health, my husband wellbeing, our Kids, our Business. I have goals now that I never had before and achieving. To strive for the best and not take on any or any ones "Monkey" . Thanks Aaron”

Lukas De Silva

“Thank you Aaron for your Motivation, Mindset and Accountability coaching. You have really helped me think about things differently, and look at what I can do to improve my mindset.

After implementing your strategies and setting some goals, I already feel more positive and have gained self confidence, and am seeing results! I look forward to our sessions and am excited about the future!”

Skills for Life Academy an affordable Life and business coaching service based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

Discover proven & powerful strategies to develop unshakeable confidence.

Step-by-step guide on how to build unshakeable confidence through actionable exercises.


Fear is the one reason that's holding you, and everybody else from getting the success that they dreamed of. Fear slows you down, makes you think twice, it makes you not want to give your very best. It's the one thing that is holding you back from living your life's true purpose.


  • Discover The 3 Pillars Of Unshakeable Confidence

  • The ONE thing that will stop you from progressing in life

  • How to stay away from anxiety & depression easily

  • FIVE powerful strategies successful people use to bounce back from failure

  • FOUR simple & actionable steps to build your unshakeable confidence

Life Coach Aaron from Skills for Life Academy Northern Beaches

1-on-1 Life Coaching

Skills for Life Academy an affordable Life and business coaching service based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

Young Adults Coaching

Skills for Life Academy an affordable Life and business coaching service based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

Adults (40+) Coaching

Skills for Life Academy an affordable Life and business coaching service based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

Communication Coaching

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Invest in yourself now for an amazing second half of your life

Invest In Yourself & Your Future

Turning 50 is a milestone worth celebrating. But it can often lead to reflection and regret. 


Life may not look how you thought it would. You may feel desperate for change but have no idea where to begin. 


We can’t change the past. Instead, we focus on the future and what we can do to make the second half of your life amazing.


By investing in life coaching, you are finally investing in yourself. 


Don’t have a mediocre midlife…have an awesome one!

How Can Life Coaching Change and Improve Your Life?

Life coaching is your personal journey towards self-discovery and growth. Our experienced life coaches work closely with you to:

Set Clear Goals: We help you define and refine your goals, whether they're related to career, relationships, personal development, or well-being. With a clear road map in place, you'll be equipped to navigate life's complexities with purpose.

Boost Confidence: Through targeted guidance and support, we assist you in building unshakeable self-confidence. Gain the courage to overcome challenges and embrace new opportunities.

Enhance Decision-Making: Our coaching equips you with valuable tools to make informed decisions, ensuring you align your choices with your aspirations.

Foster Positive Habits: We work together to identify and cultivate positive habits that lead to lasting transformation. Harness the power of consistent, purpose-driven actions.

Manage Stress: Life coaching provides techniques to manage stress and achieve a healthy work-life balance, promoting overall well-being and mental clarity.

Ask an Expert

Why Choose The Skills for Life Academy for Certified Life Coaching?

Embarking on a journey of self-improvement with The Skills for Life Academy comes with unparalleled benefits:

Experienced Certified Life Coaches: Our team of skilled and certified life coaches possesses a wealth of experience in guiding individuals towards meaningful change.

Personalised Approach: We understand that every individual is unique. Our coaching sessions are tailored to your needs, ensuring a customised experience.

Proven Techniques: Our methodology combines proven coaching techniques with cutting-edge strategies, providing you with a comprehensive toolkit for success.

Lasting Impact: The Skills for Life Academy focuses on sustainable transformation. Our coaching sessions empower you to create lasting positive change in various aspects of your life.

Ongoing Support: We're here for you every step of the way. Our coaching relationship extends beyond sessions, offering continuous support and encouragement.

Elevate your life today with The Skills for Life Academy's certified life coaching sessions. Experience the profound impact of a dedicated coach by your side, guiding you toward a life filled with purpose, joy, and success.


Group Coaching Northern Beaches

Group coaching is a structured and facilitated process in which a coach works with a small group of individuals who share common goals, challenges, or interests. Unlike individual coaching, which focuses on one-on-one interactions between a coach and a client, group coaching harnesses the power of collective learning and support. It allows participants to grow, learn, and achieve their objectives within a collaborative and dynamic environment. It offers plenty of benefits:

  • Shared Learning

  • Supportive Community

  • Accountability

  • Diverse Perspectives

  • Cost-Effective

  • Synergy and Momentum

  • Skill Development

  • Empowermen

​How Group Coaching Makes a Difference

Confidence Building: Group coaching offers a safe space for individuals to express themselves, share challenges, and receive validation. This can boost self-confidence and self-esteem.

Expanded Perspective: Participants benefit from diverse viewpoints and solutions, helping them see their challenges from new angles and broaden their thinking.

Skill Enhancement: Group coaching sessions often focus on skill development, such as communication, leadership, time management, and problem-solving, which can lead to tangible improvements in various areas of life.

Mutual Accountability: The mutual accountability present in group coaching encourages individuals to take consistent action toward their goals, leading to higher levels of achievement.

Personal Growth: Group coaching can lead to personal growth and self-awareness as participants learn about themselves through interactions.

Lifelong Connections: Many individuals forge lasting friendships and professional connections through group coaching, creating a network of support that extends beyond the coaching program.

Group coaching from The Skills Life Academy offers a dynamic and collaborative approach to personal and professional development. It brings people together, fosters a supportive community, and empowers participants to achieve their goals while benefiting from the group's collective wisdom.

​Leadership Coaching Northern Beaches

Are you ready to step into a leadership role with confidence and impact? Access leadership coaching Northern Beaches services, offered by The Skills for Life Academy. Our professional life coach is committed to guiding you on a transformative journey, and helping you become an inspiring and effective leader.

At our leadership coaching services, we believe that authentic leadership begins from within. Our certified Professional Life Coach, specialising in executive and transformational coaching, partners with you to:

Identify and Develop Leadership Skills: Through personalised coaching sessions, we help you discover and enhance your unique leadership strengths, enabling you to lead authentically and influence effectively.

Overcome Challenges: Our experienced coach assists you in navigating leadership challenges, equipping you with actionable strategies to overcome obstacles and lead with resilience.

Effective Communication: Learn to communicate with clarity, empathy, and authority, fostering stronger connections and guiding your team towards shared goals.

Strategic Decision-Making: Enhance your decision-making skills, ensuring that your choices align with your vision and drive positive outcomes.

Confidence Coaching Northern Beaches

Are you ready to break free from self-doubt and step into your full potential? Welcome to Confidence Coaching Northern Beaches, provided by The Skills for Life Academy. Our Professional Life Coach is dedicated to helping you discover unwavering confidence and self-assurance. Through our coaching process, you will:

Identify Limiting Beliefs: Our coach helps you uncover and challenge limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, empowering you to break free from self-imposed barriers.

Build Self-Empowerment: Learn practical techniques to cultivate self-empowerment, enabling you to navigate challenges, setbacks, and uncertainties with resilience.

Embrace Self-Acceptance: Develop a deep sense of self-acceptance and self-love, allowing you to confidently embrace your authentic self and showcase your strengths.

Radiate Positive Presence: Discover strategies to project a confident and positive presence, both personally and professionally, enhancing your interactions and relationships.

Career Coaching Northern Beaches

Career coaching is a personalised and supportive process designed to help individuals navigate their career paths, make informed decisions, and achieve their professional goals. It involves working with a skilled coach who provides guidance, insights, and strategies to enhance your career development, overcome challenges, and maximise your potential.

At The Skills for Life Academy, we understand that a fulfilling and successful career goes beyond simply having a job. Our Career Coaching program is dedicated to empowering you to make strategic career choices, unlock your true potential, and thrive in your chosen field. We can help in:


  • Goal Clarification

  • Career Strategy Development

  • Skill Enhancement

  • Resume and Interview Preparation

  • Networking and Personal Branding

  • Overcoming Career Challenges

  • Transition Support

  • Sustainable Growth

Discover the transformative power of life coaching – connect with The Skills for Life Academy and take the first step towards a brighter future. Contact us today to learn more!

Empowering You To Be You Again

From the time we are born, many will be educated to be a version of themselves that please others. Whether it comes from the way you were raised or how you were taught in school, we often learn to put a mask on and be an actor in our life. 

Unfortunately, that behaviour will not lead you to be happy and live a fulfilling life. You can discover the best version of yourself and transform your life so that you are no longer an actor in your life. Choose to live the life that was made for you. 

In this book, you will have to commit to exploring yourself, try to be aware of your behaviours, and be honest with yourself. This book is for you, and no one other than yourself can know who you are. 

With commitment, vulnerability, and curiosity, you will be able to be the best version of yourself and put away the mask that you've to wear for much too long. Are you ready to claim your power? 

Then let's start to explore your current life and see how much you are currently your true self! 

''The power you have is to be the best version of yourself you can be so that you can create a better world." 
- Ashley Rickards 

Reward yourself with our yearly retreats

Yearly Retreats

When you become part of the Skills for Life Academy, you automatically join our VIP guest list for invitations to our yearly retreats. 


These are incredible opportunities to escape from the daily distractions of life, to help you break free from the chains that hold you back and really focus on gaining clarity and direction. 


You will enjoy two days of personal coaching, group workshops and the invaluable experience of meeting like-minded people on a similar journey.


If you would like to be notified of when our next dates get released please inout your details below. 

Thanks for registering your interest. You will be the first to know when we release these dates.

FREE E-book provided by Skills for Life Academy an affordable Life and business coaching service based on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, Australia.

Learn how to be your best self in 5 easy to follow steps without spending hours of your time searching for self-development programs.

Be Your Best Self is an easy to follow program that will help you to gain self-confidence and boost self-esteem that will allow you to become your true self and remove your mask for good.


  • Discover why you behave the way you do in different situations.

  • Explore your internal reality and how that presents itself in your external world.

  • Understand what triggers you and how to tame them.

  • Learn what the 5 wounds are that may be limiting you in your life

  • Reconnect with your authentic self and throw away the mask you have been wearing for good.

A happy family enjoying freedom and an awesome second half of their life

My vision is to see everyone in their 50s+ have an awesome second half of their life.

Reaching the age of 50+ is an achievement. But many people feel unhappy and unfulfilled.


For some, significant relationships have broken down leading to loneliness and low self-esteem.


For others, work or business has plateaued and is not reaping the rewards like it used to.


Then there are people, like me, who have found themselves in a destructive, vicious cycle that has left them unfit, unhealthy and depressed. 


Midlife is a turning point, often referred to as the bucket years. It’s when we begin to count down, rather than up, and the thought of this can be scary. Especially if we are not in a secure position. 


It is my mission to help you to forge a new future for yourself, free of fear and judgement.

Or, you can purchase any of my workbooks for only $7


Image by Jade Destiny

Catherine Haynes

As a business owner and mother of 4, I have been working with Aaron for over a year now and incredibly grateful for his guidance through building my business and navigating family trauma, I have developed clarity and direction with the ability to empower others to do the same. Skills for Life Academy has a toolbox of resources to help any individual be the best version of themselves possible.

Image by Omid Armin

Samantha McKenzie

I have worked with Aaron for some time now. His ability to get to the core of what you need to do either personally or in business, and then keep you accountable, has enabled me to get to where I want and need to be.It is not comfortable but is so worth it. He gets amazing results!

Image by Manny Moreno

Lukas Da Silva

Thank you Aaron for your Motivation, Mindset and Accountability coaching. You have really helped me think about things differently, and look at what I can do to improve my mindset. After implementing your strategies and setting some goals, I already feel more positive and have gained self confidence, and am seeing results! I look forward to our sessions and am excited about the future!

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